
Micromobility Safety

Published on August 15th, 2023

Using micromobility for transportation can be convenient, but it’s important to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and injuries. This applies to both micromobility users and other drivers and pedestrians sharing the roads with them.


Safety is important, regardless of the type of transportation you are using. Let’s take a look at how to be as safe as possible when using micromobility devices and sharing the road with them.

Micromobility User Safety

Safety is extremely important when operating micromobility devices–not just for personal safety but also to comply with regulations, insurance policies, and other potential auditors & policies in the case of an accident or legal situation. While safety policies & procedures differ from region to region, there are many general practices users can take to ensure general protection for themselves and those around them.

Protective Gear

Always wear appropriate protective gear, such as a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards. This can significantly reduce the risk of head injuries and fractures in case of a fall.

Follow All Standard Traffic Rules and Laws

Obey traffic signals, signs, and laws applicable to cyclists and pedestrians. Use designated bike lanes whenever possible and be aware of your surroundings.

Stay Visible

Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially during low-light conditions. Equip your micromobility device with lights and reflectors to make yourself more visible to other road users.

Drive (or Ride) Defensively

Anticipate the actions of pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles around you. Be prepared to react to sudden movements and always be cautious at intersections and crossings.

Avoid Distractions

Stay focused on the road and your surroundings. Avoid using your phone or other electronic devices while riding to maintain your attention on the road.

Maintain Your Device

Regularly check your micromobility device for any signs of damage, loose parts, or malfunction. Make sure the brakes, tires, and lights are working properly before each ride.

Obey Speed Limits

Adjust your speed according to the conditions of the road and the density of traffic. Maintain a safe speed that allows you to react quickly to unexpected situations.

Use Signals

Signal your turns and intentions clearly using hand signals or other indications. This helps other road users understand your movements and reduces the risk of collisions.

Choose Safe Routes

Plan your route in advance, opting for roads and paths with lower traffic volumes and slower speeds. Avoid busy roads and intersections whenever possible.

Be Aware of Pedestrians

Sidewalks and pedestrian areas are often shared spaces. Yield to pedestrians, and if you need to pass them, do so with caution and at a safe distance.

Stay Alert

Keep an eye out for road hazards such as potholes, debris, wet surfaces, and uneven pavement. These can be especially dangerous for micromobility devices.

Park Responsibly

If you’re using a shared micromobility service, park the device in designated areas to avoid obstructing sidewalks and pathways. This helps ensure the safety and accessibility of public spaces.

Stay Sober

Just like driving a vehicle, never operate a micromobility device while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. While some micromobility devices may look like toys, they can cause injuries and worse, just like any other mode of transportation. Impaired judgment and coordination can lead to accidents.

Safety is paramount when using micromobility devices. By following these precautions and using common sense, you can greatly reduce the risk of accidents and enjoy a safer commuting experience.

Driver Safety (when Sharing Roads with Micromobility Users)

Sharing the road with micromobility users such as cyclists, electric scooter riders, and other devices can be difficult for traditional motorists. Many micromobility devices are hard to see and even navigate around due to their smaller frames. It’s important for regular drivers to be vigilant and considerate to ensure everyone’s safety. Here are some best general practices for drivers to follow when sharing the road with micromobility users:

Be Aware and Anticipate

Pay close attention to your surroundings and be prepared for the presence of micromobility users. Scan intersections, crosswalks, bike lanes, and shoulders for any cyclists or pedestrians.

Give Space

When passing micromobility users, provide a safe and comfortable distance. If you’re driving a car, leave at least three feet of space when passing cyclists.


Be sure to yield to cyclists and micromobility users when they have the right of way, such as when they’re in a designated bike lane. Many micromobility devices are street-legal, making standard vehicle laws applicable.

Use Your Turn Signal

Indicate your intentions clearly by using your turn signals well in advance. This helps cyclists and micromobility users anticipate your actions.

Mind Your Blind Spots

Always check your blind spots before changing lanes or making turns. Micromobility users might be less visible than larger vehicles.

Avoid Abrupt Maneuvers

Sudden lane changes, swerving, or hard braking can surprise and endanger micromobility users. Drive smoothly and predictably.

Obey the Speed Limit

Adhere to posted speed limits, especially in areas where micromobility users are likely to be present. Slower speeds give you more time to react to unexpected situations.

Be Especially Cautious Near Bike Lanes

Be cautious when crossing or entering bike lanes. Always check for cyclists or other micromobility users before making any maneuvers.

Open Car Doors Carefully!

Be mindful of cyclists and electric scooter riders when opening your car door. Look for oncoming traffic before stepping out. It’s easy for a eScooter or bike to go unnoticed if it’s close to the side of the road.

Stay Patient

Micromobility users might travel at a slower pace than cars, especially on uphill climbs. Stay patient and wait for a safe opportunity to pass.

Be Careful at Intersections

Intersections are common areas for potential conflicts between different road users. Approach intersections with caution and yield the right of way as necessary.

Avoid Distracted Driving

Put away your phone and other distractions while driving. Being attentive and focused on the road helps you respond quickly to unexpected situations.

Use Caution at Night

Micromobility users are less visible at night. Drive with extra caution and be sure to use your headlights to make them aware of your presence.

Be Respectful

Treat micromobility users with respect and consideration. They have the same right to use the road as any other road user.

By following these guidelines, drivers can contribute to a safer and more harmonious road environment where all users, including micromobility users, can travel safely. Remember that a cooperative and respectful approach benefits everyone on the road.

Contact an Illinois Micromobility Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a micromobility accident, our experienced attorneys can help you receive compensation for the damages you have suffered. There is no fee unless we obtain compensation for you.

Get a free case review by calling 866-699-3339 ‌or‌ ‌complete‌ ‌the‌‌ ‌case‌ ‌request‌ ‌form‌.‌

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