
Chicago Roadway Accident Lawyer
Serving Cook and DuPage Counties

Illinois Roadway Accidents & Comparative Fault Law

Whether traveling on a road in a car, motorcycle, bus, or even on foot, you can quickly become a victim of a road-related accident. For any type of roadway accident, you have the option to obtain compensation by pursuing a personal injury claim against the person who was at fault for your injuries and/or that person’s insurance company.

If you fail to resolve the personal injury claim with the at-fault party, you can file a lawsuit in a court of law to get the compensation you deserve. In order to be successful in any personal injury case, you need to prove that the other party was at fault for your injuries. In Illinois, this means you must overcome the state’s comparative fault laws. Basically, this means which party pays for damages resulting from an accident. In some cases, a single party can be totally at fault. In other situations, when multiple parties are found responsible, the fault is divided for any personal injuries or property damage.

In the case of a car accident, a driver could absorb liability by committing a moving violation (e.g. running a stop sign or traffic light, driving under the influence, speeding, improper lane change, or distracted driving). In another example, the municipality could be found at fault due to a malfunctioning traffic light, a pothole, or even poorly planned roads and stop signs. Or, both the driver and the municipality could share fault for the accident. The portion of fault assigned to the plaintiff adds complexity, as well as if a municipality is found negligent. In either case, a personal injury lawyer should be consulted.

Roadway Accidents Resulting in Injuries and Wrongful Deaths Include

Contact us today to get started with a free and confidential case assessment by calling 866-699-3339 or‌ ‌complete‌ ‌the‌‌ ‌case‌ ‌request‌ ‌form‌.‌

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    Park Ridge


    15 N Northwest Hwy
    Park Ridge, IL 60068

    +1866-736-5324 +1866-736-4370 +1866-736-5316

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